Friday, May 22, 2020
The Case Ban On Tobacco Ads And Talks About The Conflict...
This essay is a case study analysis that uses the case Ban on Tobacco Ads and talks about the conflict of interests between tobacco producers and the Government of India. In Feb 2001 the Government of India published the news on tabling a bill that bans Tobacco companies on advertising cigarettes and sponsoring the sports and other cultural events. (1) There are several arguments that support the Government’s decision: 1. Protection of people’s health. As World Health Organization states that the 3 million deaths in 1990 occurred as a result of smoking and in 1998 it raised to 4.023 million. 2. Preventing the children aged 14-24 years from being smokers. According to internal document from R J Reynolds (1998) the bright advertising of the cigarettes that had a camel’s picture on the packing was attractive to children and stimulated teenage smoking. 3. Contributions of cigarettes to the budget of India is 0.14% versus the health costs which account for 0.21%. 4. Provision of employment by the tobacco industry is an illusion because those who will not be employed in the tobacco field will be employed somewhere else and will be more labor intensive. 5. Complete bans on the tobacco products give a better decrease in tobacco consumption. This is evident in the investigation of UK’s Department of Health (1992) which found out that the banning of advertising resulted in fall of smoking. (2) Opposed to the Government there are several arguments from Tobacco companies thatShow MoreRelatedCase Studies67624 Words  | 271 PagesCase Studies C-1 INTRODUCTION Preparing an effective case analysis C-3 CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE 3 CASE 4 CASE 5 CASE 6 CASE 7 ABB in China, 1998 C-16 Ansett Airlines and Air New Zealand: A flight to oblivion? 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